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Setting a write-off threshold

How to set confidence threshold in response below which money won't be charged

In CapMonster.Cloud captchas acceptance depends on its complexity. Clients pay only for correctly solved captchas.

In order to have a guaranteed correct result, you can also pass the parameter recognizingThreshold with a value from 0 to 100 along with the captcha recognition request.




"task": {
"recognizingThreshold" : 70
"softId" : 345


In this case, if the parameter is equal to 70, then only answers in which our system is more than 70% sure will be returned, otherwise will be returned error: “ERROR_CAPTCHA_UNSOLVABLE

Another way to pass a threshold is to use only the field to specify the ApiKey. You can add threshold information in the following format: {apikey}__recognizingthreshold_{value}

For example, “00f87cb0f01330d33709ce3339ad0c8c__recognizingthreshold_70”

You can also enter the name of the module with the key in the following format: {apikey}__module-name.

The key, the confidence threshold and the name of the module are indicated with the underscore “__”

Example: “00f87cb0f01330d33709ce3339ad0c8c__solvemedia__recognizingthreshold_70”


If you are unable to set the response confidence threshold, please write to our support team, we will help you set it up!