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This type solving task FunCaptcha. Your app submits website address, public key and proxy.

The result of solving task is a token for the submit form.


If the proxy is authorized by IP, then be sure to add to the white list.

Object structure

typeStringyesFunCaptchaTaskProxyless or FunCaptchaTask (When using a proxy).
websiteURLStringyesAddress of a webpage with FunCaptcha.
funcaptchaApiJSSubdomainStringnoA special subdomain of, from which the JS captcha widget should be loaded. It can be found in an element named fc-token - the value after the surl. It is required if you use a domain other than
websitePublicKeyStringyesFunCaptcha website key. <div id="funcaptcha" data-pkey="THAT_ONE"></div>
dataStringnoAdditional parameter that may be required by FunCaptcha implementation.
Use this property to send "blob" value as a stringified array. See example how it may look like: {"blob":"HERE_COMES_THE_blob_VALUE"}*
proxyTypeStringyes (if using FunCaptchaTask)Type of the proxy
http - usual http/https proxy;
https - try this only if "http" doesn't work (required by some custom proxy servers);
socks4 - socks4 proxy;
socks5 - socks5 proxy.
proxyAddressStringyes (If using FunCaptchaTask)

Proxy IP address IPv4/IPv6. Not allowed to use:

- host names instead of IPs

- transparent proxies (where client IP is visible)

- proxies from local networks (192.., 10.., 127...).

proxyPortIntegeryes (If using FunCaptchaTask)Proxy port.
proxyLoginStringnoProxy login.
proxyPasswordStringnoProxy password.
userAgentStringyesBrowser's User-Agent which is used in emulation.

Additional cookies which we must use during interaction with target page.

Format: cookiename1=cookievalue1; cookiename2=cookievalue2

Request example



FunCaptchaTask (With proxy)

"task": {
"data": "{\"blob\":\"dyXvXANMbHj1iDyz.Qj97JtSqR2n%2BuoY1V%2FbdgbrG7p%2FmKiqdU9AwJ6MifEt0np4vfYn6TTJDJEfZDlcz9Q1XMn9przeOV%2FCr2%2FIpi%2FC1s%3D\"}",
"userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.132 Safari/537.36"

FunCaptchaTaskProxyless (without proxy)

"task": {
"data": "{\"blob\":\"dyXvXANMbHj1iDyz.Qj97JtSqR2n%2BuoY1V%2FbdgbrG7p%2FmKiqdU9AwJ6MifEt0np4vfYn6TTJDJEfZDlcz9Q1XMn9przeOV%2FCr2%2FIpi%2FC1s%3D\"}",

Response example



Getting result



Use the getTaskResult method to request answer for FunCaptcha. You will get response within 10 - 30 secs period depending on service workload.

tokenStringFunCaptcha token that needs to be substituted into the form.


"solution": {

Supported task types

Pick the image with the matching reflection
Pick the shadow with a different object silhouette
Pick one square that shows two identical objects
Pick the dice pair with the same icon facing up
Pick the dice pair whose top sides add up to 4
Pick the dice pair whose top sides add up to 5
Pick the dice pair whose top sides add up to 6
Pick the dice pair whose top sides add up to 7
Pick the dice pair whose top sides add up to 8
Pick the dice pair whose top sides add up to 10
Pick the dice pair whose top sides add up to 14
Pick the image where the darts add up to 8/10/12/14
Pick the image where all animals are walking in the same direction as the arrow
Pick the shadow that matches the icons at the top of the image
Pick the matching cards
Pick the mouse that can reach all the cheese in the maze
Select the animal with the wrong head
Pick the penguin
Use the arrows to rotate the animal to face in the direction of the hand
Pick the image that is the correct way up
Pick the spiral galaxy
Pick the image with only one rope
Pick the cube with icons split in half
Pick the puzzle with the wrong pieces
Pick the image where the number matches the amount of animals
Pick the mouse that can't reach the cheese
Select the image where the total fingers add up to 3
Pick the wrong shadow
Pick one square that shows three of the same object
Use the arrows to move the person to the spot indicated by the cross
Use the arrows to move the person to the icon indicated by the colored circle
Use the arrows to rotate the animal with the same icon to face where the hand is pointing
Use the arrows to change the number of objects until it matches the left image
Change the dice until the count matches the image on the left
Use the arrows to move the train to the coordinates indicated in the left image
Match the number of rocks with the number on the left
Using the arrows move the person to the indicated seat
Pick the koala
Pick the ladybug
Pick the pig
Pick the zebra
Pick the shark
Pick the dinosaur
Pick the duck
Pick the chicken
Pick the rhino
Pick the dolphin
Pick the grapes
Pick the goat
Pick the elephant
Pick the seal
Pick the bear
Pick the mouse
Pick the butterfly
Pick the monkey
Pick the bread
Pick the lobster
Pick the kangaroo
Pick the deer
Pick the apple
Pick the ant
Pick the snake
Pick the ice cream
Pick the owl
Pick the pants
Pick the cactus
Pick the calculator
Pick the shoe
Pick the scissors
Pick the lion
Pick the crab
Pick the donut
Pick the dog
Pick the bee
Pick the banana
Pick the parrot
Pick the octopus
Pick the pencil
Pick the lamp
Pick the lock
Pick the turtle
Pick the camel
Pick the horse
Pick the pizza
Pick the bat
Pick the watermelon
Pick the controller
Pick the rabbit
Pick the pineapple
Pick the snail
Pick the glasses
Pick the key
Pick the hotdog
Pick the helmet
Pick the sock
Pick the starfish
Pick the frog
Pick the printer
Pick the umbrella
Pick the giraffe
Pick the spaceship
Pick the boat
Pick the wrong shadow
Pick the helicopter
Pick the refrigerator
Pick the couch
Pick the money
Pick the mushroom
Pick the fence
Pick the car
Pick the wristwatch
Pick the alien
Pick the fan
Pick the crown
Pick the burger
Pick the train
Pick the trophy
Pick the aquarium
Pick the anchor
Pick the toaster
Pick the stapler
Pick the bicycle
Pick the guitar
Pick the fire
Pick the flower
Pick the snowman
Pick the ball
Pick the ring
Pick the camera
Type of captcha, where you need to rotate the image