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ComplexImageTask Funcaptcha

The object contains data about the FunCaptcha solving.

Object structure

ParameterTypeRequiredPossible valuesDescription
typeStringyesComplexImageTaskSpecifies the type of task object.
classStringyesfuncaptchaSpecifies the class of task object.
imageUrlsArrayyes (if imagesBase64 is not filled)[ “”, … ]Single image (in an array).
imagesBase64Arrayyes (if imageUrls is not filled)[ “/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEAAAAAAAD…”, … ]Single image in base64 format (in an array).
metadata.TaskStringyesPick the image that is the correct way up and othersTask text (in English).
userAgentStringno-The browser User Agent used when uploading images if links were passed to imageUrls. You should use a modern browser signature or Google will return an error asking you to update your browser.
websiteURLStringno-URL of the page where the captcha is solved.

Request example



"task": {
"type": "ComplexImageTask",
"class": "funcaptcha",
"imageUrls":[ "" ],
"metadata": {
"Task": "Pick the image that is the correct way up"
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36."

Response example


Getting the results



Use the getTaskResult method to get the captcha solution. Depending on the system load, you will receive a response after a time ranging from 300ms to 6s.

answerArrayList in boolean values, true - means that you need to click on the image corresponding to this position.


"solution": {
"answer": [ false, false, false, false, true, false ]


CostCost per 1000 images, $