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Extension settings

Settings available for change:

isEnabledBooleanIs the extension enabled by default or not
clientKeyStringAPI key
captchaListArray<String>List of captchas that are enabled (by default all capthas are enabled)
captchaExtraObject<{[String]: 1 / 0}>List of captchas that can be solved by clicks (Token - 0, Click - 1)
repeatsCountNumberNumber of repeated solutions after an error
isEnabledIgnoreListBooleanWhether the blacklist of sites specified in the IgnoreList field is enabled
ignoreListArray<String>List of sites to ignore the solving
proxyObjectProxy settings
isManualResolvingBooleanIs manual recognition enabled
delayStartCountArray<{[CaptchaType]: Number}>Delay before solving captcha
autoClickArray<{[CaptchaType]: Boolean}>Is the ability to automatically start captcha solving enabled
autoSolveArray<{[CaptchaType]: Boolean}>Is the ability to automatically solve the captcha window enabled
textCaptchaSaveOnSiteBooleanWhether to save the selected elements on the site for text captcha
delayAfterLoadPageNumberDelay before starting to solve a text captcha, if it was saved for the site
recaptchaClickSelectorStringDOM Element selector to click when starting a Recaptcha solving
hCaptchaClickSelectorStringDOM Element selector to click when starting a hCaptcha solving
globalVariableStringName of the field for interaction with the extension via a global object

There are several ways to change extension settings:

  1. Before installing the extension.
  2. When the extension is already installed.

Changing settings before installation

When installing the extension via a package, it is possible to set the initial parameters with which the extension will work. To do this, you need to unpack the package and edit the defaultSettings.json file, and then pack it back.

Description of the settings file defaultSettings.json

The settings file looks like this:

"isEnabled": true,
"clientKey": "",
"captchaList": [
"captchaExtra": {
"ReCaptcha2": 1,
"HCaptcha": 1,
"FunCaptcha": 1
"repeatsCount": 0,
"isEnabledIgnoreList": false,
"ignoreList": [],
"proxy": {
"isEnabled": false,
"type": "http",
"address": "",
"port": 3128,
"login": "",
"password": ""
"manualResolving": false

Changing the settings using JS

After initializing the extension on the current active page, we have a global object that is set in the extension settings, by default CMExtension, with which we can manipulate the extension settings.

Note that event handlers are attached to the properties, not to the data inside.


window.CMExtension.isEnabled = false;

In addition to the settings, there are events that we can subscribe to:

onCMExtensionReadyThe extension is fully loaded and ready to go
onHCaptchaClickStartStart the hCaptcha solving
onHCaptchaClickBackendErrorServer error when requesting hCaptcha solving results
onHCaptchaClickIncorrectIncorrect hCaptcha solving
onHCaptchaClickSuccessSuccessful hCaptcha solving
onHCaptchaClickClick on the hCaptcha checkbox


window.addEventListener("onCMExtensionReady", () => {